The Best Lawyers™ in Canada 2024 recognizes 26 Mathews Dinsdale lawyers, from coast-to-cost, as leaders in the fields of Labour and Employment Law, Workers' Compensation Law, Employee Benefits Law and Immigration Law.
Partner Toronto, T: 416.869.2509 C: 416.433.4734 F: 416.862.8247 gmcginnis@mathewsdinsdale.com
Ashrita Chohan, Law Clerk Assistant 416.862.8280 x259 achohan@mathewsdinsdale.com
Law Society of Ontario
University of Toronto, B.A.
University of Toronto, LL.B.
Canadian Bar Association
Ontario Bar Association
Greg is a partner in our Toronto office, practising in all areas of labour and employment law. His extensive experience includes civil and labour litigation, union negotiations, work stoppages, employee relations, and construction labour relations.
Greg not only advises employers and negotiates employment disputes, but also regularly appears before courts and various adjudicative tribunals, including the OLRB, the HRTO, and labour arbitrators.
From local family-run firms to global powerhouses, Greg’s clients span diverse sectors such as manufacturing, technology, professional services, finance, retail, and construction.
Greg has represented construction employers and construction employer associations in numerous OLRB proceedings.
Guiding his clients in leveraging the law and their legal rights, he helps them to achieve their business objectives. Known for his straightforward and direct style, he believes in cutting to the chase.
Labour and Employment
Canadian Legal Lexpert®Labour Law – Management
Who's Who LegalLabour and Employment Law
Thought Leaders
Greg McGinnis representing Canada along with other experts from the UK, Belgium and Brazil discuss the growing phenomenon of the ‘gig’ economy and the way case law on this is shaping up internationally. The global panel will also look at remote working and how this is blurring international borders in terms of work. Presented Ius Laboris. View Webinar.
The Best Lawyers™ in Canada 2024 recognizes 26 Mathews Dinsdale lawyers, from coast-to-cost, as leaders in the fields of Labour and Employment Law, Workers' Compensation Law, Employee Benefits Law and Immigration Law.
Mathews Dinsdale lawyers from coast-to-coast recognized in the 2023 Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory as leaders in Labour Law, Employment Law, Construction Labour Relations, Occupational Health & Safety Law and Workers’ Compensation Law.
The Best Lawyers™ in Canada 2023 recognizes 24 Mathews Dinsdale lawyers, from coast-to-cost, as leaders in the fields of Labour and Employment Law, Workers' Compensation Law, Education Law, Employee Benefits Law and Immigration Law.
Who’s Who Legal Canada 2022 recognizes seven Mathews Dinsdale lawyers, from BC, ON and NS as Thought Leaders in the fields of Labour and Employment Law.
22 Mathews Dinsdale lawyers, from coast-to-coast, are recognized as leaders in The Best Lawyers™ in Canada 2022 in the fields of Labour and Employment Law, Workers' Compensation Law, Education Law, Employee Benefits Law and Immigration Law.
Mathews Dinsdale lawyers from coast-to-coast recognized in the 2021 Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory as leaders in Labour Law, Employment Law, Construction Labour Relations, Occupational Health & Safety Law and Workers’ Compensation Law.
Greg McGinnis along with employment lawyers from the Ius Laboris network across the world have put together the Back to Work Guide For International Employers. This publication covers the issues that employers and businesses are facing around the globe and how to ensure a safe return to work.
21 Mathews Dinsdale lawyers, from coast-to-coast, are recognized as leaders in The Best Lawyers™ in Canada 2021 in the fields of Labour and Employment Law, Education Law, Employee Benefits Law, Immigration Law, Workers’ Compensation Law.
Mathews Dinsdale lawyers from coast-to-coast recognized in the 2020 Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory as leaders in Labour & Employment Law, Construction Labour Relations, OH&S Law and Workers’ Compensation Law.
Mathews Dinsdale Lawyers from coast-to-coast recognized in Who's Who Legal 2020 as leaders in Labour and Employment Law.
Mathews Dinsdale Lawyers from coast-to-coast recognized in Best Lawyers in Canada 2020 as leaders in Labour and Employment Law, Education Law, Employee Benefits Law, Immigration Law, Workers’ Compensation Law.
Our complimentary webinars address the practical and legal issues for Canadian employers.
View our Webinars