Greg McGinnis along with employment lawyers from the Ius Laboris network across the world have put together the Back to Work Guide For International Employers.

Greg McGinnis along with employment lawyers from the Ius Laboris network across the world have put together the Back to Work Guide For International Employers. This publication covers the issues that employers and businesses are facing around the globe and how to ensure a safe return to work.

Expertise: Employment law

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In A Flash

Ontario’s Top Court Upholds Termination of Unvaccinated Worker

In a recent case, the Court of Appeal confirmed that an employee’s failure to meet COVID-19 vaccination requirements imposed by a third party amounted to frustration of the employment contract. There was, therefore, no obligation for the employer to provide notice of termination or pay in lieu of notice. The Court confirmed the motion judge’s findings, accepting that in the circumstances, all requirements for frustration had been met.

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