We are pleased to announce that Caroline Spindler has joined the Firm’s partnership. Caroline primarily works out of the Halifax, Nova Scotia office but is also associated with our office in Fredericton, New Brunswick.
Caroline Spindler
Partner Halifax, Fredericton, T: 902.334.0438 F: 902.332.0444 cspindler@mathewsdinsdale.com
Sara Wagar Assistant 902.334.0434 swagar@mathewsdinsdale.com
Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society
Law Society of New Brunswick
University of New Brunswick, B.Sc.
University of New Brunswick, J.D.
CPHR Nova Scotia
Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers (CACE)
Canadian Bar Association
Caroline is an Partner in our Halifax Office. A Nova Scotia native, she holds a J.D. degree from the University of New Brunswick. Caroline practices in all areas of workplace law, advising and representing employers on issues involving discipline and discharge, wrongful dismissal actions, grievance arbitration, collective bargaining, human rights, and workers’ compensation matters. She also regularly assists employers with a wide range of other matters, including the preparation of employment contracts and employment policies as well as dispute resolution before labour, employment, human rights, and other administrative tribunals. Caroline has a broad understanding of the issues employers face with respect to the duty to accommodate and before law school worked as a kinesiologist performing return to work assessments.
At Law School, Caroline was awarded the J. Gordon Petrie, Q.C. Prize in Labour and Employment Law as well as a prize for the highest standing in Trial Practice. Caroline spent a semester abroad studying Public International Law and European Union Law at Örebro University in Örebro, Sweden.
Targeting Appropriate Remedies: Evolving Benchmarks for Compensatory, Aggravated, and Punitive Damages
Caroline Spindler presented as part of a panel at the Lancaster House Atlantic Canada Labour Law Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Caroline Spindler, from our Halifax office, will be presenting on OH&S at the CPHR Nova Scotia 2020 Halifax Virtual Law Conference taking place October 20 & 22, 2020.
Nova Scotia Introduces Legislation Providing New Leaves and Workplace Harassment Obligations
Move over pumpkin spice there’s a new season in town, for Nova Scotia employers at least. On September 5, 2024, the Nova Scotia Government introduced Bill No. 464, Stronger Workplaces for Nova Scotia Act, which proposes significant amendments to the Labour Standards Code (the “Code”), the Occupational Health and Safety Act (the “OHSA”) and the Workers’ Compensation Act. The Bill has passed second reading and is currently before the Law Amendments Committee.
Read moreSupervisor Found Guilty of Criminal Negligence Causing Death at New Brunswick Construction Site
A N.B. supervisor was convicted of criminal negligence causing death after a worker drowned on a construction site. The decision provides guidance to supervisors and employers alike regarding workplace health and safety obligations.
Read moreSupreme Court of Nova Scotia Doubles Fine Issued to Employer for OHSA Violations Following Worker Fatality
This article provides an update on R v Hoyeck, 2021 NSSC 178, and reviews the principles that will be taken into account by the courts in assessing fines and sentencing in occupational health and safety matters.
Read moreNova Scotia Introduces COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave Program
The Sick Leave Program which will provide eligible employees with up to 4 paid sick days and will reimburse eligible employers that provide paid sick leave to employees. Employers will be eligible to apply for reimbursement effective on May 26, 2021.
Read moreUpdate: Damages Awarded for Loss of Incentive Plan Payout in Matthews v Ocean Nutrition Canada Ltd.
Supreme Court of Canada finds that language in an incentive bonus plan was not sufficiently clear to deny a former employee payment under the plan.
Read moreSerious Workplace Accidents in Canada: Managing the Consequences Coast to Coast
This Advisor examines the impacts of a serious accident, and provides a roadmap for accident response planning for critical actions to take and mitigating adverse consequences for the Canadian employer.
Read moreClosures Affecting Courts and Workplace Tribunals in Atlantic Canada – Updated March 5/21
Courts and workplace tribunals in Atlantic Canada have taken preventative measures in response to COVID-19.
Read moreAtlantic Canada Response to COVID-19 – Updated March 5/21
Atlantic Canada, like elsewhere in the country have started to take more significant measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Read moreOHS in Canada: The Year in Review 2019
This issue highlights and provides context for the most significant developments in OHS for 2019.
Read moreEmployers’ Advisor – Atlantic Canada Labour & Employment Law Year in Review
This issue provides a look back at some of the developments in labour and employment law across Atlantic Canada and upcoming changes for 2020.
Read moreEvents
Articles and papers
Keeping Quiet: Enforceability of Confidentiality ClausesIPM Quarterly Newsletter, Winter 2020 Edition
A Sober Reminder: Duty to Accommodate Substance Use DisordersIPM Quarterly Newsletter, Fall 2019 Edition
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