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In A Flash

New Season, New Obligations: Nova Scotia Government Introduces Legislation Providing New Leaves and Workplace Harassment Obligations

Move over pumpkin spice there’s a new season in town, for Nova Scotia employers at least. On September 5, 2024, the Nova Scotia Government introduced Bill No. 464, Stronger Workplaces for Nova Scotia Act, which proposes significant amendments to the Labour Standards Code (the “Code”), the Occupational Health and Safety Act (the “OHSA”) and the Workers’ Compensation Act. The Bill has passed second reading and is currently before the Law Amendments Committee.

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OHS & Workers’ Compensation Advisor

Ontario OHSA Fine Signals Future Significant Director & Officer Prosecution Risk

The case involving a workplace explosion and Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) prosecution against Eastway Tank, Pump and Meter Limited of Ottawa, Ontario and its owner and Director Neil Greene, wrapped on Friday April 5, 2024 with guilty pleas and penalties for both the company and its Director. The terrible incident, which occurred in January 2022, resulted in fatal injuries to 6 workers, and catastrophic ones to a 7th worker, one of the worst losses of life and injury in a workplace accident in Canadian history. In addition to imposing a high OHSA corporate fine, the case has sent a chilling message about future OHS prosecution risk to Canadian corporate directors and officers.

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