We are proud to announce that Loretta Bouwmeester, of our Calgary office, has been nominated for the Leadership in the Profession (Private Practice) award presented by Women in the Law Leadership of Alberta. This award will recognize and applaud a lawyer in private practice who has shown extraordinary leadership and a commitment to being a positive role model for other lawyers.

We are proud to announce that Loretta Bouwmeester, of our Calgary office, has been nominated for the Leadership in the Profession (Private Practice) award presented by Women in the Law Leadership of Alberta. This award will recognize and applaud a lawyer in private practice who has shown extraordinary leadership and a commitment to being a positive role model for other lawyers.

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In A Flash

Ontario to Increase Minimum Wage, Effective October 1, 2024

On October 1, 2024, the general minimum wage in Ontario will be increasing from $16.55 to $17.20 per hour, representing an approximate 3.9% increase. This follows a previous increase to the minimum wage last year from $15.50 to $16.55 per hour effective October 1, 2023.

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In A Flash

Nova Scotia Introduces Legislation Providing New Leaves and Workplace Harassment Obligations

Move over pumpkin spice there’s a new season in town, for Nova Scotia employers at least. On September 5, 2024, the Nova Scotia Government introduced Bill No. 464, Stronger Workplaces for Nova Scotia Act, which proposes significant amendments to the Labour Standards Code (the “Code”), the Occupational Health and Safety Act (the “OHSA”) and the Workers’ Compensation Act. The Bill has passed second reading and is currently before the Law Amendments Committee.

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