In A Flash
Bill 10, which largely eliminates secret ballot votes as a precondition of unionization and opens the door for yearly union raids in the construction industry, has now passed third reading and is expected to become “law” by June 2, 2022 when it receives Royal Assent.
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In recent weeks, arbitrators have released several new decisions related to COVID-19 vaccination policies implemented by employers. We provide an overview of these new decisions and how they compare to prior decisions
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In A Flash
On April 11, 2022, the Working for Workers Act, 2022 became law. It establishes new rights for digital platform workers, increases penalties for violation of workplace health and safety rules, and imposes new requirements on employers.
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The Provincial NDP government introduced Bill 10-2022, which stands to make significant labour friendly changes to British Columbia’s Labour Relations Code.
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The Federal Government has introduced the Temporary Foreign Worker Program Workforce Solutions Road Map, which introduces key changes to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program.
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Effective March 1, 2022 Alberta lifted almost all remaining COVID-19 public health restrictions and is officially in “Step 2” of a three-phased approach in moving towards an endemic and out of the pandemic phase.
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Mathews Dinsdale lawyers from coast-to-coast recognized in the 2022 Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory as leaders in Labour Law, Employment Law, Construction Labour Relations, Occupational Health & Safety Law and Workers’ Compensation Law.
This Alberta decision is significant for employers across Canada faced with similar claims related to unforeseeable and unpreventable impacts and disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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In A Flash
Ontario proposes new legislation that, if passed, would require employers to disclose the extent to which they monitor their employees electronically, including their use of computers, cellphones, GPS trackers and other devices.
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